Company presentation
Criiteria for short film acquisition:
- Maximum running time: 25‘ - Preference for films under 10’.
- Production year: current or previous year.
- Genres: Fiction and some animation
- Broadcasting territories: France (Corsica, DROM-POM COM), Monaco, Andorra, Mauritius, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Haiti + territories covered by Canal+ Afrique.
- Delivery methods: Satellite - Cable - Terrestrial - Internet - TSVOD
- Price per minute: Between 600 and 800 euros, depending on nationality, sliding scale according to duration / 15K package for French films over 23 minutes and 10K package for foreign films over 21 minutes.
- Rights: 18 months exclusive
- Exclusivity: Pay TV, Free TV, SVOD, EST, AVOD, FVOD and Hold back VOD
- Festivals & markets: Clermont-Ferrand (Official and Exclusive Partner), La Semaine de la Critique (Official and Exclusive Partner), L'Étrange Festival (Official and Exclusive Partner), Cinemed, Les Utopiales...
- Films purchased and/or pre-purchased per year: Appro...
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