Event presentation
The Toronto International Film Festival® is one of Toronto’s most important cultural events, widely considered the world’s leading public film festival (with more than 280 000 persons attending) and ranked among the most prestigious by industry professionals. Setting the standard for excellence in film programming, the Festival is where film meets its audience.
Drawing inspiration from Toronto’s rich diversity, and deeply committed to discovering and serving as a platform for new voices in Canadian and international cinema, the Festival presents the world’s highest achievements in film, new ideas in cinema, and movies that will delight and enlighten our audiences.
For more information visit tiff.net.
Cameron Bailey TIFF CEO, Gala Presentations |
Anita Lee TIFF CPO, Special Presentations Consultant |
Robyn Citizen Director of Programming, Festival & Cinematheque, US Indies, France, UK & Platform Lead |
Andréa Picard Senior Curator, TIFF & TIFF Cinematheque, Wavelengths |
Jane Schoettle Senior International Programmer, Special Presentations |
Giovanna Fulvi Senior International Programmer |
Dorota Lech International Programmer and Discovery Lead |
Thom Powers Lead Programmer, TIFF Docs |
Jason Anderson International Programmer & Short Cuts Lead |
Peter Kuplowsky International Programmer, Midnight Madness |
Diana Cadavid International Programmer |
Nataleah Hunter-Young International Programmer |
Jason Ryle International Programmer, Global Indigenous Cinema |
Norm Wilner Senior International Programmer, Canada and Industry Selects Lead |
Kelly Boutsalis International Programmer |
Geoff Macnaughton Lead Programmer, Primetime |
Jesse Cumming Associate International Programmer, Wavelengths Shorts & Exhibitions |
June Kim Associate International Programmer, Southeast Asia |
Meenakshi Shedde Senior Programme Advisor, South Asia |
Information on feature films
The programmers watch the films offered at UniFrance in July.
Contact UniFrance : Adeline Monzier
Registration conditions for short films
Films produced on or after : 1/07/2021
Subtitling required
Maximum runtime : 49'
Films produced on or after : 1/07/2021
Pre-selection format requirements : Streaming
Screening format requirements : DCP (Digital Cinema Package)
Festival years
TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival)
Festival years(27)
Team & contact
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Anita Lee
Artistic Director
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Robyn Citizen
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Norman Wilner
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TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival)
Anita Lee
Artistic Director
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Robyn Citizen
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Norman Wilner
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Media Gallery
Masterclass Claire Denis / Alliance Française Toronto - Septembre 2018
"Carrière, c'est un mot auquel je n'ai jamais pensé". "En faisant ce métier, j'ai zappé le fait qu'être une femme était un handicap". A l'occasion de la présentation de High Life au Festival de Toronto 2018, ou elle a reçu le Ebert Tribute pour l'ensemble de son œuvre, et d'une retrospective, Claire Denis a donné une masterclass à l'Alliance Française de Toronto, où elle revient sur sa vie, de la cinéphilie d'adolescence jusqu'à son statut d'icone mondiale, en passant par ses années – formatrices – en tant qu'assistante-réalisatrice.
Robert Guédiguian et Ariane Ascaride en masterclass à Toronto - Masterclass
Présent au dernier Festival de Toronto pour y présenter The House by the Sea, le cinéaste Robert Guédiguian a donné une masterclass, en compagnie de son épouse et muse Ariane Ascaride, à l'Institut Français. L'occasion d'une rencontre passionnante sur l'engagement politique via le cinéma ou le questionnement de l'acteur, rencontre visible ici dans son intégralité (1h30).
More info: http://en.unifrance.org/news/15054/robert-guediguian-et-ariane-ascaride-en-masterclass-a-toronto
UniFrance films au TIFF 2015 - Trailer
Comme chaque année, UniFrance était très présent au TIFF 2015, pour accompagner les talents venus présenter 35 films français ou majoritaires français, et une dizaine de courts métrages. Ce petit film a été tourné lors de la soirée UniFrance, organisée le 12 septembre 2015 en présence de nombreux talents français.
More info: http://en.unifrance.org/news/14431/unifrance-films-au-tiff-2015
Les artistes français au Festival de Toronto - Reportage
Cinq étudiantes de l'école de commerce ESG, Agathe Jarnoux, Stéphanie Ribal, Yousra El Boudrari et Mathilde Le Métayer, ont été accréditées par UniFrance films, et ont rencontré les comédiens et réalisateurs français présents au TIFF 2015. Ce petit film est un condensé des images qu'elles ont glanées au fil de leurs rencontres et interviews.
More info: http://en.unifrance.org/news/14446/les-artistes-francais-au-festival-de-toronto
Interview Juliette Binoche 1/2
On September 7, Juliette Binoche, who was at the Toronto International Film Festival to present Clouds of Sils Maria, participated in the "Mavericks : A Conversion with..." to a packed and delighted house.
Moderated by Piers Handling, CEO of the Toronto International Film Festival, Juliette Binoche evoked her career and her acting work, particularly in Clouds of Sils Maria, by Olivier Assayas, which she'd come to present at the festival.
Before presenting the whole Conversation, here are two extracts (in English) of this discussion, which took place in front of a packed house on September 7, 2014.
Extracts courtesy of the Toronto International Film Festival.
Interview Juliette Binoche 2/2
On September 7, Juliette Binoche, who was at the Toronto International Film Festival to present Clouds of Sils Maria, participated in the "Mavericks : A Conversion with..." to a packed and delighted house.
Moderated by Piers Handling, CEO of the Toronto International Film Festival, Juliette Binoche evoked her career and her acting work, particularly in Clouds of Sils Maria, by Olivier Assayas, which she'd come to present at the festival.
Before presenting the whole Conversation, here are two extracts (in English) of this discussion, which took place in front of a packed house on September 7, 2014.
Extracts courtesy of the Toronto International Film Festival.
French Films at the Toronto Film Festival 2012 - Featurette
A featurette about the French films presented at the 2012 Toronto Film Festival.
Type : TV report
Theme : French Films
Location : Toronto, Canada
Date : September 2012
More info : http://en.unifrance.org/festivals-and-markets/595/toronto-international-film-festival/2012
French Films at the Toronto Int'l Film Festival (Canada, 2011) - Featurette
A TV report by Didier Allouch for TPS Star ("L'Hebd'Hollywood") and TV5 monde. With Juliette Binoche, Philippe Torreton, Jean Dujardin, Michel Hazanavicius, Luc Besson...