On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Part of the population cheered while the others watched in silent disgust. Although the entire world is horrified by this anachronic war in the heart of Europe, the Russians have more or less willingly backed the “special operation” to “denazify” a formerly sister nation. Patriotic indoctrination, propaganda, muzzled media, single party rule, our film investigates how Putin’s Russia has become that of a people that doesn’t react and toes the line. An unprecedented journey into the heart of a brainwashed, intimidated society, and an in-depth investigation into the inner workings of Russia’s repressive machine.
Production and distribution (3)
- Leading French distributor : France 5
- Executive Producer : Capa
- Film exports/foreign sales : Newen Connect
Full credits (1)
- Executive Producer : Alexandra Jousset
Technical details
- Programme format : One-off
- Type : TV programme
- Genres : Documentary
- Sub-genre : War
- Themes : Conflict, Countries, Politics, Violence
- Production language : French