In 1519, Fernando Magellan put together an expedition that was to take 237 men to the Indies via the western route. Under his command, 5 ships left Seville on 21 September 1519, but after 3 years of escapades, only 18 sick and dying sailors sailed back up the Guadalquivir River. They had just achieved the first-ever round-the-world journey. Miraculously, the onboard chronicler, Antonio Pigafetta, was among them. He brought back a handwritten book in which he had recorded every day of this fabulous odyssey.
Director (1)
Production and distribution (1)
- Film exports/foreign sales : CLPB Rights
Full credits (2)
- Executive Producer : François Bertrand
- Assistant editor : Pascale Alibert
Technical details
- Programme format : Mini-series
- Nombre d'épisodes par saison / par collection : 5
- Number of seasons : 1
- Type : TV programme
- Genres : Documentary
- Sub-genre : Portrait