Philippe Bruneau-Tessier, turnkey factory tycoon, and Georges, his faithful chauffeur for more than fifteen years, barely knew each other during their lifetime. Suddenly, they both die within forty-eight hours of each other. Does this mean equality at last? Not exactly... And definitely not brotherhood ! They have nothing in common, apart from the violent manner of their deaths. Why? They have no idea. Yet even though they can't communicate with their loved ones, they do their utmost to protect them, from the other side...
Director (1)
Actors (36)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producer : Gaumont
- Co-productions : G. Films, France 2 Cinéma
- Film exports/foreign sales : Gaumont
- French distribution : Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International (ex-Buena Vista International France)
Full credits (22)
- Executive Producer : Alain Poiré
- Screenwriter : Francis Veber
- Director of Photography : Robert Fraisse
- Music Composer : Wojciech Kilar
- Assistant directors : Michel Cheyko, Bernard Seitz, Isabelle Perrin-Thevenet
- Editor : Catherine Kelber
- Sound Recordist : Alain Sempé
- Costume designer : Catherine Leterrier
- Sound Assistant : Olivier Villette
- Assistant Operators : David Nissen, Jean-Hugues Oppel, Jean-Christophe Simon, Alain Herpe, Antoine Battistelli, Dorian Rigal-Ansous
- Camera Operator : Jean Harnois
- Production managers : Jean-Claude Cartier, Philippe Desmoulins
- Press Attachés (film) : Dominique Segall, Olivier Guigues
- Sound Editor : Maurice Laumain
- Production Designer : Gérard Viard
- Stunt performer : Patrick Cauderlier
- Casting : Françoise Menidrey
- Artistic Director : Laurent Piron
- Visual Effects : Pitof
- Sound mixers : Bernard Leroux, Claude Villand
- Still Photographer : Vincent Rossell
- Location Manager : Pierre D'Hoffelize
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
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Selections (1)
For both Duboi and myself, "Ghost in Transit" was an enriching experience on many levels. Firstly, of course, through our collaboration with Gérard Oury, whose discovery of digital special effects had begun during "La Soif de l'or". Gérard placed all his trust in us, giving a free rein to his creative desires. Then there was the work with the crew. Finally, our experience with the actors, Philippe Noiret and Gérard Jugnot mainly, was remarkable, despite the difficult conditions: acting an emotional scene against a blue screen, without a set, opposite a noisy camera piloted by a computer, exchanging dialogue via intervening TV monitors, acting with absent elements... In short, the "Cinématographe" worked in harmony with the new world of digital special effects. It's not longer an innovation but it is really starting to become part of the business.
(Pitof - Director of digital special effects)