Bernard Leroy, a none too dynamic executive, should never have let his company send him on a "crash training-course" in the mountains, especially not on the eve of his wedding to Constance. It was totally crazy ! I mean, he had chosen the most reliable car on the market... only to find himself snowbound, in the middle of nowhere, with his engine in ribbons ! And what came over him - lily-livered as he is - that he would go and knock on the door of a remote chalet to ask for help ? Shouldn't have ! He really shouldn't have.
Director (1)
Actors (34)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producer : Ciby 2000
- Co-productions : Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Cinéma, Novo Arturo Films, TF1 Films Production
- Foreign production company : El Deseo
- French distribution : Ciby Distribution
Full credits (17)
- Executive Producers : Gérard Jugnot, Jean-François Fonlupt
- Screenwriters : Gérard Jugnot, Philippe Lopes Curval
- Director of Photography : Gérard De Battista
- Music Composer : Khalil Chahine
- Assistant Director : Hervé Ruet
- Editor : Catherine Kelber
- Sound recordists : Jean-Charles Ruault, Alain Sempé
- Costume designer : Martine Rapin
- Line Producer : Alain Depardieu
- Assistant Operator : Stéphane Degnieau
- Production Manager : Jean-Marc Deschamps
- Press Attachés (film) : Dominique Segall, Olivier Guigues
- Assistant editors : Dorian Rigal-Ansous, Antoine Battistelli
- Production Designer : Jean-Louis Poveda
- Visual Effects : Pitof
- Still Photographer : Jean-Marie Leroy
- Location Manager : Clément Sentilhes
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Themes : Religion
- Production language : French
- Coproducer countries : France, Spain
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Selections (2)
Delegations (1)
"Should never have made a somewhat untimely comedy which would never tire of trying to be modern ? Shouldn't have made a film which attempts to make audiences laugh while respecting them ? Shouldn't have brought together such a bouquet of actors, who beyond their differences of style or generation all belong to the same brotherhood of those who never stand on ceremony ? Shouldn't have ? I think "should have", and I thank Gérard Jugnot for doing so. Like Madame Betty owner of the Saint-Prix café-restaurant (all-in, full-course meal : 59 F) said to him :"At least you don't deny the way you're made."
(François Morel - Actor)