Forty year old Yvon Rance is and always has been a hairdresser. That is his vocation. He is elegant, his hairpiece fits him to a tee and in his native land of Britany he reigns over a small court of grannies, whose loyalties he secures through vast amounts of silver highlighter. But the apple of his eye, his true masterpiece, is only daughter Laetitia, whom he has raised on his own for close to eighteen years. For her, he foresees a spectacular future: she will live over in the local metropolis, where she will be a hairdresser at a third millennium salon. But Laetitia's dreams are somewhat different. She has secretly been going to casting calls and was just selected for a lead role in a feature film… Her life is about to change radically. As far as Yvon is concerned, this is akin to a nuclear cataclysm.
Director (1)
Actors (51)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producer : Rigolo Films 2000
- Co-productions : Novo Arturo Films, Les Films Ariane, TF1 Films Production
- Film exports/foreign sales : STUDIO TF1 Distribution (ex-Newen Connect)
- French distribution : Fox France
Full credits (13)
- Executive Producers : Dominique Farrugia, Olivier Granier
- Adaptation : Isabelle Mergault
- Screenwriters : Gérard Jugnot, Isabelle Mergault
- Director of Photography : Pascal Gennesseaux
- Music Composer : Khalil Chahine
- Editor : Catherine Kelber
- Sound recordists : Dominique Warnier, Jean Gargonne, Claude Villand
- Costume designer : Martine Rapin
- Production Manager : Jean-Claude Bourlat
- Press Attachés (film) : Dominique Segall, Laurent Renard
- Continuity supervisor : Carole Fèvre
- Production Designer : Jean-Louis Poveda
- French Distributor : Steve Rubin
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Themes : Cinema
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
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The set of “A Brush with the Stars” was a constant chain of laughter, affection, and hard work. Every scene is engraved in my memory: the one with Yvon and Laetitia when he eats cotton candy; the look on all the actors’ faces in the scene where I try to commit suicide; the moment when Gérard slips on a blond wig. Or the entire day’s work on the scene where Laetitia and her mother finally face up to the truth.
Making this film was a veritable joy, and so is watching it.
Bérénice Bejo, actress