In places where people rub up against each other without ever meeting, where techno music pulsates and urges bodies on, they dance, they weave, they meld in a primordial hydra made up of male bodies.
In the abrupt desire for the other, they are men among themselves, they’re all each other needs. She is the girl, breathtakingly beautiful, left on the sidelines. She slits her wrists with a razor blade in the restroom. Two fine parallel lines that only join in the blood that surges forth. And that’s how this couple meets. She’ll pay him, the man who doesn’t like women, to look at her, as she says, “Where she can’t be looked at.” He tells her it will cost her plenty. She’ll pay him.
Four nights in a house in the middle of nowhere, perched on top of a cliff, and that we enter by steps bordered by four columns.
Four nights in which they will confront each other, she and he. For it’s in the gaze of men that the obscenity of women takes shape.
Four nights to face the unutterable, to explore t...
Director (1)
Actors (7)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producer : Flach Film
- Co-production : CB Films
- Film exports/foreign sales : Impex Films
- French distribution : Rezo Films
Full credits (12)
- Executive Producer : Jean-François Lepetit
- Screenwriter : Catherine Breillat
- Directors of Photography : Susana Gomes, Miguel Malheiros, Guillaume Schiffman, Yorgos Arvanitis
- Assistant Director : Michaël Weill
- Editors : Pascale Chavance, Frédéric Barbe
- Sound recordists : Carlos Pinto, Felipe Gonçalves
- Costume designers : Valérie Guégan, Betty Martins, Catherine Meillan, Sanine Schlumberger
- Production managers : Philippe Delest, Catherine Leroux
- Press Attaché (film) : Alexandra Schamis
- Continuity supervisor : Fatima Ribeiro
- Production Designers : Pedro Sa Santos, Jean-Marie Milon, Paula Szabo, Pedro Garcia
- Sound Mixer : Emmanuel Croset
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Production language : French
- Coproducer countries : Portugal, France
- Original French-language productions : Yes
Box-office & releases
News & awards
News (4)
Selections (16)
Delegations (6)
TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival)
Canada, 2004
Actor : Amira Casar
Director : Catherine Breillat