Nicolas is a young adventurer filmmaker. He arrives in an Indian village in the heart of the Rio Xingu valley with the aim of shooting a documentary there about an ancestral tribal ceremony, Kuarup.
He immediately falls in love with Luacema, the daughter of Chief Ayupu. Watched over by Roberto, the director of the Toa Toari reserve, Nicolas and Ruben, his guide as ridiculous as he is incompetent, settle in the village. In order to get closer to the woman he secretly loves, Nicolas slowly integrates into the villagers’ daily life. After being initiated into local customs, he is made aware of the threat weighing on his new friends and the woman he loves: deforestation.
Ayupu then drags him into their struggle against loggers, responsible for the devastation of the forests that date back to the Palaeozoic era. After several intimidation tactics against Olympio Ferra and his men, Ayupu realizes that Nicolas’s camera is a formidable weapon that could be put to use for their cause.
They leav...
Director (1)
Actors (8)
Production and distribution (2)
- Executive Producer : Gentleman Films
- Foreign production company : Skylight
Full credits (6)
- Executive Producer : François Enginger
- Screenwriter : Jean-Pierre Dutilleux
- Directors of Photography : Lula Araujo, César Moraes, Bernard Malaisy
- Music Composers : Stewart Copeland, Jean-Michel Pinoteau
- Editors : Jean-Daniel Fernandez Qundez, Michael Ruman
- Costume designer : Tania Morandi
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Coproducer countries : Brazil, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : Majority French (Brazil, France)