The spectacular life and times of Toulouse-Lautrec, his painting and party-going, his lust for life and sympathy for outcasts and prostitutes, and around him, a sweeping portrait of the 19th century, which he lived through with such style and bravado.
Director (1)
Actors (45)
Production and distribution (5)
- Executive Producer : Les Films du Losange
- Co-productions : STUDIOCANAL, France 3 Cinéma
- Foreign production company : Societad General de Cine SA
- Film exports/foreign sales : Tamasa Distribution
- French distribution : Les Films du Losange
Full credits (19)
- Executive Producer : Margaret Menegoz
- Screenwriter : Roger Planchon
- Director of Photography : Gérard Simon
- Music Composer : Jean-Pierre Fouquey
- Assistant directors : Stéphane Becimol, Thierry Guérinel, Hervé Ruet
- Editor : Isabelle Devinck
- Sound recordists : Jean Minondo, Thierry Lebon
- Costume designer : Pierre-Jean Larroque
- Sound Assistant : Olivier Villette
- Assistant Operators : David Grinberg, Frédéric Martial-Wetter
- Production Manager : Nathalie Nghet
- Press Attachés (film) : Régine Vial, Isabelle De La Baume
- Sound Editor : Jean-Pierre Halbwachs
- Assistant Editor : Éric Armbruster
- Continuity supervisor : Florence Aupetit
- Production Designer : Jacques Rouxel
- Casting : Marie-Christine Lafosse
- Sound Mixer : Thierry Lebon
- Still Photographers : Marianne Rosensthiel, Jérôme Pouvaret
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Portrait
- Themes : Art
- Production language : French
- Coproducer countries : France, Spain
Box-office & releases
News & awards
Selections (10)
Hong Kong French Film Festival
Hong Kong, 1999
Films selected
Awards (1)
Cesar Awards - French film industry awards
France, 1999
César Award for Best Costume Design : Pierre-Jean Larroque
César Award for Best Production Design : Jacques Rouxel
Delegations (2)
Cesar Awards - French film industry awards
France, 1999
Costume designer : Pierre-Jean Larroque
Production designer : Jacques Rouxel
I have a great admiration for Toulouse-Lautrec as a person. He was a profoundly good man, who always looked kindly on his fellow beings. In the whorehouse, he painted a poor, tired girl. Although he was constantly in physical pain, he never complained and was always even-tempered. He had a remarkable capacity for always being the same, whether he was talking to a VIP or a laundry maid. He had a voracious appetite for life and burned the candle at both ends, painting by day and drinking by night. [...] I love his great originality as a painter. He was one of the Impressionists but he stands alone from them. He never painted a single landscape. Nature bored him stiff. He was only interested in people. He painted real and hard and broke new ground with his staggeringly modern compositions. He wouldn’t hesitate to cut a face in half, like in a newspaper photo. (Roger Planchon in “Le Parisien”, September 9th 1998)