With MyFrenchFilmFestival, discover the torturous paths taken by disturbing characters...
With its highly colorful heroes, French cinema has always granted a special place to tortured souls. From obsession to obsession, the Psycho selection explores the minds of characters searching for vengeance or redemption.
The films in Psycho:
- Faultless by Sébastien Marnier, starring Marina Foïs, Jérémie Elkaïm, Benjamin Biolay, and Joséphine Japy
"An impressive film that makes your head spin. The actors are compelling. The film left me breathless... incredible!" @DanielOliveira (Brazil)
- A Decent Man by Emmanuel Finkiel, starring Nicolas Duvauchelle and Mélanie Thierry
"I loved its realism. The film really frightened me. Long live French films!" (Japan)
- Group Violence by Karim Boukercha, starring Vincent Cassel
"An excellent film. It was a pleasure to see work of such good quality. The direction is wonderful..." @CarlosDiaz (El Salvador)
- Moka by Frédéric Mermoud, starring Emmanuelle Devos and Nathalie Baye (an Out-of-Competition film, in partnership with SWISS FILMS)
"Deeply moving! Very fine actors performing such a painfully beautiful story." @NathalieChilte