The great philosopher Averroes laid down the precepts which paved the way, not only for the age of enlightenment in Europe, but for all human thought to the present day. Wishing to appease the fundamentalists, the Caliph Mansur ordered all Averroes' works to be burnt. His friends and disciples decided to make copies and smuggle them abroad. Resisting pressure from fundamentalists of every persuasion, human knowledge will always find a way forward, towards the Other, towards Progress.
Director (1)
Actors (5)
Production and distribution (5)
- Executive Producer : Ognon Pictures
- Co-production : France 2 Cinéma
- Foreign production company : Misr International Films
- Film exports/foreign sales : Pyramide International
- French distribution : Pyramide Distribution
Full credits (9)
- Executive Producers : Humbert Balsan, Gabriel Khoury
- Screenwriter : Youssef Chahine
- Director of Photography : Mohsen Nasr
- Music Composers : Kamal El Tawil, Yohia El Mougy
- Editor : Rashida Abdel Salam
- Sound Recordist : Gasser Khorched
- Costume designer : Nahed Nasrallah
- Production Manager : Hicham Soliman
- Press Attaché (film) : Dominique Segall
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Themes : Religion
- Production language : Arabic
- Coproducer countries : Egypt, France
Box-office & releases
News & awards
Selections (4)
Cannes International Film Festival
France, 1997
Official Competition - Feature Films
Out of Competition
"It was through Maroun Bagdadi whose "L'homme voilé" he had produced that Humbert Balsan met Youssef Chahine. Chahine was desperately seeking a French co-producer for "Adieu Bonaparte". "We immediately found a complementary way of working; I brought the financial backing for his films and increased his scope of distribution, while respecting his independence". Balsan admits that Chahine gave him a lot, even in his work as a producer. "Chahine has a team which respects him, they really give their utmost. There's an amazing conviviality in the work. By his side I learnt to approach production from another viewpoint." From their collaboration were born : "Le Sixième jour", "Alexandrie encore et toujours", "The Emigré" and "Destiny"." (Marie-Claude Arbaudie - Le Film Français)