Louis Jobin, an ordinary young man, is a TV maniac, continually hopping from one channel to the next. A competition allows him to become the first person in the world to spend three months of his life live on television. Twenty-four hours a day, a Canal 19 camera follows him in his daily life. Louis soon discovers that fame isn't everything that it's cracked up to be. The lack of privacy is particularly annoying when he falls in love. Louis decides to rebel and hatches a plot to catch television in its own trap : the image.
Director (1)
Actors (5)
Production and distribution (3)
- Co-production : Eiffel Productions
- Foreign production company : Films Stock International
- French distribution : Eurozoom
Full credits (10)
- Screenwriters : Emile Gaudreault, Sylvie Bouchard, Michel Michaud
- Director of Photography : Daniel Jobin
- Music Composer : Jean-Marie Benoit
- Editor : Denis Papillon
- Sound Recordist : Normand Mercier
- Costume designer : Judy Jonker
- Co-producer : Jacques Dorfmann
- Production Manager : Gérard Martin
- Press Attaché (film) : Lynda Pelletier
- Production Designer : Jean Bécotte
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Production language : French
- Coproducer countries : Canada, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
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"In the Sixties, when Andy Warhol said that we were heading for a society in which each one of us would be famous for fifteen minutes in our lifetime, perhaps he was intuitively sensing one of the stronger secondary effects of the TV phenomenon : "I wanna be a star". Of all the people who dream of being on TV, very few think about the demands and consequences of such a situation. This is what happens to the hero of "Reality Show". The film raises various issues. What does the fact of winning change in our lives ? What becomes of our relationship with others ? What happens when the least incident becomes public knowledge ? When the audience rises up against your opinions ? When you're abandoned ? My film deals with television's cannibalistic nature, its influence on young audiences and shows soap opera taken to its extreme limits... Louis Jobin is a very real character, he could be your neighbour. Thanks to his experiences, he will realize fame cannot bring true happiness."
(Michel Poulette)