We are in Saint Petersburg. The building's old lady finally dies, yet her cat, which no one bothers feeding any more, remains fat and healthy. How does it do it ? It has a favorite wardrobe where it stays for hours on end. Our heroes, Tchijov and Gorokhov, look inside. The bottom of the wardrobe opens onto the rooftops through a small window. One evening Tchijov and Gorokhov make the leap and clamber down from the roof on a fire escape. Once on the ground, they do all the bars. Notably drunk when they climb back up to the roof, they pass by Nicole's, a taxidermist's studio. Her piano is out of tune. Tchijov decides to make it "more musical". As he does, they turn Nicole's studio on its head. The next morning Gorokhov and Tchijov discover that the window gives onto the rooftops of Paris : the discovery of the century....
Director (1)
Actors (11)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Sodaperaga
- Co-productions : Les Films du Bouloi , La Sept Cinéma
- French distribution : Les Films de l'Atalante
Full credits (13)
- Executive Producer : Guy Seligmann
- Screenwriters : Arcadi Tigaï, Youri Mamine
- Directors of Photography : Anatoli Lapchov, Sergueï Nekrassov
- Music Composer : Youri Mamine
- Assistant Director : Bruno Sauvard
- Editors : Joële Van Effenterre, Olga Andrianova
- Sound recordist : Léonide Gavritchenko
- Costume designer : Natalia Zamakhina
- Sound Assistant : Bernard Borel
- Press Attaché (film) : Marie Queysanne
- Assistant editor : Christelle Didier
- Continuity supervisor : Cloé Perlemuter
- Production Designer : Véra Zélinskaïa
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Production language : Russian, French
- Coproducer countries : Russia, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified