Tom is alone. For some time now, this thirty-year-old young man has been suffering from an insidious disease: he no longer believes in anything. At the start of the film, Laurette, his fiancée, has just left him. In an attempt to make her stay, Tom simply replied "I love you," a pathetic "I love you" that slumped dismally against the door that Laurette had just slammed. With an angry kick, Tom smashed the porthole of his washing machine which has given up the ghost. It was the first stone of their union.
Director (1)
Actors (27)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Compagnie des Images
- Co-production : France 3 Cinéma
- French distribution : Oviri Films
Full credits (17)
- Executive Producer : François Fries
- Adaptation : Jean-Luc Gaget, Fabien Onteniente
- Screenwriters : Jean-Luc Gaget, Fabien Onteniente
- Director of Photography : Bertrand Chatry
- Music Composer : Bernard Grimaldi
- Assistant directors : Mathieu Amalric, Jean-Philippe Blime
- Editors : Jean-Luc Gaget, Ursula Lesiak
- Sound recordists : Michel Kharat, Ludovic Hénault
- Voice : Espérance Pham Thái Lan
- Assistant Operators : Valentine Perrin, Jérôme Mauduit, William Watterlot
- Production Manager : Jean-François Geneix
- Press Attaché (film) : Pascal Launay
- Continuity supervisor : Brigitte Schmouker
- Production Designer : Jean-Pascal Chalard
- Casting : Gérard Moulevrier
- Still Photographer : Bernard Barbereau
- Location manager : Laurence Deray
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
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"Love requires maintenance (...). What can you do when you end up alone, on a "plain razed by barbarian hordes" with the nasty feeling that "the grass will never grow again" ? (...). I decided to make this the theme of my second feature. (...) There was a book by Kaufman, "La Trame conjugale". It was a fairly comical tale in which the author studied couple's behaviour through their laundry. (...) The reader learnt that when young people settle down together, the act of buying their first washing machine is considered as the marriage ceremony of our times. (...) My first short film, "Bobby et l'aspirateur", was already a mechanical metaphor for such relationship. (...) I wanted to continue in the "household appliances" line. (...) With Jean-Luc Gaget, I wrote the tale of Tom, a young man aged thirty who, after shattering his couple and his washing machine on the same day, decides to wash his dirty laundry in every sense of the term. In this trubulent world, this film is a desire (...) to film what is not often filmed (laundry, housework, daily life). (...) I wanted to make a "refreshing" comedy (...), a simple film full of sincerity.(...)
Tom is my little prince."
(Fabien Onteniente)