Marcelo Novais Teles was born on May 6, 1960, in Manhuaçú, state of Minais Gerais, Brazil. In 1974, he settled in the city of Curiciba. While learning interior design, he began to play in an amateur theatre company before becoming professional with the Guaíra Theatre, directed by Laertes Ortega. End of 1981, he moved to Paris. He learned to speak French by himself and, after traineeship at the Théâtre du Soleil with Ariane Mnouchkine, he created a theatre company which he led during 4 years. Meanwhile, he discovered Jean Rouch’s movies, which would greatly influence his work. In 1985, he failed to get into IDHEC, but it was then that he met Mathieu Amalric and both began to shoot movies together. From then on, he has totally devoted himself to cinema. Actor, screenwriter, editor, he is the producer and director of his own movies, only video, short, medium or feature-length. At the same time, he has often performed in Bertrand Bonello’s films and, keeping working with Mathieu Amalric, ...
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