Dilettante, wavering, neither wanting in energy nor character, yet lacking in patience and obstinacy, and totally defenceless against the bouts of boredom by why she's taken unawares and which she combats by unpremeditated ruptures and sudden abandonings, after almost 15 years in Switzerland, Pierrette Dumortier returns alone to Paris leaving behind her lover, relations, fortune and habits in the hope of starting a new life. Almost penniless, Pierrette goes to live in the suburbs in the studio apartment of her son who's on a training course in a nearby factory and who at first seems more surprised than delighted to see her. In the midst of new encounters and activities how will Pierrette manage to keep –or lose- her balance? Between a son and a daughter whom she'd like to help but who have lost the habit of needing her, between a sudden passion for a media-crazy priest which leads nowhere and an antique dealer who leads her to prison...
Director (1)
Actors (39)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producers : Euripide Productions, Ah ! Victoria ! Films
- Co-productions : STUDIOCANAL, France 2 Cinéma
- Film exports/foreign sales : STUDIOCANAL
- French distribution : Goutte d'Or Distribution
Full credits (17)
- Executive Producers : Daniel Toscan du Plantier, Pascal Thomas, Frédéric Sichler
- Adaptation : Nathalie Lafaurie, Pascal Thomas
- Screenwriter : Jacques Lourcelles
- Director of Photography : Christophe Beaucarne
- Music Composer : Reinhardt Wagner
- Assistant directors : Olivier Horlait, Joseph Rapp
- Editors : Catherine Dubeau, Sylvie Lager
- Sound recordists : Dominique Warnier, Jean-Paul Hurier
- Costume designers : Maud Molyneux, Catherine Bouchard
- Assistant Operator : Maxime Jouy
- Press Attaché (film) : Denise Breton
- Sound editor : Jeanne Moutard
- Production Designers : Frédéric Duru, Charles Senard
- Foley artist : Laurent Lévy
- French distributors : Sacha Brasseur, Frédéric Sichler
- Still Photographer : Jérôme Prebois
- Location Manager : Aimeric Bonello
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Social comedy
- Themes : Justice
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
Box-office & releases
News & awards
Selections (7)
Cesar Awards - French film industry awards
France, 2000
Most Promising Actress : Barbara Schulz
Best Actress : Catherine Frot
Awards (1)
Delegations (2)
[Pierrette] is a singular character. A woman in search of freedom. But people who are free are always surprising and unsettling, because you never know exactly who they are. She's not immoral, just amoral. Immoral carries a negative judgment. Amoral doesn't. Amoral means being indifferent, alien. She is unthinking, carefree and glides over everything.
Catherine Frot – "Elle," 5 July 1999