French works & talents
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Cesar Awards - French film industry awards
Audrey Tautou
for Amelie

Catherine Frot
for Chaos

Emmanuelle Devos
for Read My Lips

Isabelle Huppert
for The Piano Teacher

Charlotte Rampling
for Under the Sand

Jacques Dutronc
for C'est la vie

Michel Bouquet
for How I Killed my Father/My Father and I

Vincent Cassel
for Read My Lips

André Dussollier
for Tanguy

Éric Caravaca
for The Officer's Ward

Nicole Garcia
for Alias Betty

Isabelle Nanty
for Amelie

Line Renaud
for Chaos

Noémie Lvovsky
for My Wife is an Actress

Annie Girardot
for The Piano Teacher

Édouard Baer
for Alias Betty

Jamel Debbouze
for Amelie

Jean-Paul Roussillon
for The Girl from Paris

André Dussollier
for The Officer's Ward

Hélène Fillières
for A Hell of a Day

Rachida Brakni
for Chaos

Marion Cotillard
for Pretty Things

Isild Le Besco
for Roberto Succo

Hélène De Fougerolles
for Who Knows

Stefano Cassetti
for Roberto Succo

Éric Berger
for Tanguy

Jean-Michel Portal
for The Officer's Ward

Grégori Derangère
for The Officer's Ward

Robinson Stévenin
for Transfixed

Yann Tiersen
for Amelie

Joseph Lo Duca
for Brotherhood of the Wolf

Alexandre Desplat
for Read My Lips

Bruno Coulais
for Winged Migration

Hervé Schneid
for Amelie

Juliette Welfling
for Read My Lips

Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte
for Winged Migration

Guillaume Laurant
for Amelie

Jean-Pierre Jeunet
for Amelie

Coline Serreau
for Chaos

Danis Tanovic
for No Man's Land

Jacques Audiard
for Read My Lips

Tonino Benacquista
for Read My Lips

François Dupeyron
for The Officer's Ward

Bruno Delbonnel
for Amelie

Mathieu Vadepied
for Read My Lips

Tetsuo Nagata
for The Officer's Ward

Aline Bonetto
for Amelie

Guy-Claude François
for Brotherhood of the Wolf

Antoine Fontaine
for The Lady and the Duke

Jean Umansky
for Amelie

Gérard Hardy
for Amelie

Vincent Arnardi
for Amelie

Laurent Kossayan
for Amelie

Jean-Paul Mugel
for Brotherhood of the Wolf

Cyril Holtz
for Brotherhood of the Wolf

Marc-Antoine Beldent
for Read My Lips

Pascal Villard
for Read My Lips

Cyril Holtz
for Read My Lips

Madeline Fontaine
for Amelie

Dominique Borg
for Brotherhood of the Wolf

Pierre-Jean Larroque
for The Lady and the Duke

Catherine Bouchard
for The Officer's Ward

Jean-Pierre Jeunet
for Amelie

Patrice Chéreau
for Intimacy

Jacques Audiard
for Read My Lips

François Dupeyron
for The Officer's Ward

François Ozon
for Under the Sand

César Award for Best Film : Amelie
César Award for Best Actress : Emmanuelle Devos
for Read My LipsAwards
César Award for Best Actor : Michel Bouquet
for How I Killed my Father/My Father and IAwards
César Award for Best Director : Jean-Pierre Jeunet
for AmelieAwards
César Award for Best Supporting Actress : Annie Girardot
for The Piano TeacherAwards
César Award for Best Supporting Actor : André Dussollier
for The Officer's WardAwards
César Award for Most Promising Actress : Rachida Brakni
for ChaosAwards
César Award for Most Promising Actor : Robinson Stévenin
for TransfixedAwards
César Award for Best First Feature : No Man's Land
César Award for Best Original or Adapted Screenplay : Michel Audiard
for Read My LipsCésar Award for Best Original or Adapted Screenplay : Tonino Benacquista
for Read My LipsAwards
César Award for Best Cinematography : Tetsuo Nagata
for The Officer's WardAwards
César Award for Best Production Design : Aline Bonetto
for AmelieAwards
César Award for Best Editing : Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte
for Winged MigrationAwards
3 Awards
- César Award for Best Sound : Marc-Antoine Beldent
for Read My Lips - César Award for Best Sound : Cyril Holtz
for Read My Lips - César Award for Best Sound : Pascal Villard
for Read My Lips
- César Award for Best Sound : Marc-Antoine Beldent
César Award for Best Costume Design : Dominique Borg
for Brotherhood of the WolfAwards
César Award for Best Original Score : Yann Tiersen
for AmelieAwards
Cesar Award for Best Short Film : Au premier dimanche d'août
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Cesar Awards - French film industry awards
César Award for Best Film : Amelie
César Award for Best Actress : Emmanuelle Devos
for Read My LipsAwards
César Award for Best Actor : Michel Bouquet
for How I Killed my Father/My Father and IAwards
César Award for Best Director : Jean-Pierre Jeunet
for AmelieAwards
César Award for Best Supporting Actress : Annie Girardot
for The Piano TeacherAwards
César Award for Best Supporting Actor : André Dussollier
for The Officer's WardAwards
César Award for Most Promising Actress : Rachida Brakni
for ChaosAwards
César Award for Most Promising Actor : Robinson Stévenin
for TransfixedAwards
César Award for Best First Feature : No Man's Land
César Award for Best Original or Adapted Screenplay : Michel Audiard
for Read My LipsCésar Award for Best Original or Adapted Screenplay : Tonino Benacquista
for Read My LipsAwards
César Award for Best Cinematography : Tetsuo Nagata
for The Officer's WardAwards
César Award for Best Production Design : Aline Bonetto
for AmelieAwards
César Award for Best Editing : Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte
for Winged MigrationAwards
César Award for Best Sound : Marc-Antoine Beldent
for Read My LipsCésar Award for Best Sound : Cyril Holtz
for Read My LipsCésar Award for Best Sound : Pascal Villard
for Read My LipsAwards
César Award for Best Costume Design : Dominique Borg
for Brotherhood of the WolfAwards
César Award for Best Original Score : Yann Tiersen
for AmelieAwards
Cesar Award for Best Short Film : Au premier dimanche d'août
Édouard Baer
Actor for Alias Betty

Actor for Amelie

Jacques Audiard
Screenwriter for Read My Lips

Jacques Audiard
Director for Read My Lips

Édouard Baer
Actor for Alias Betty

Actor for Amelie

Jacques Audiard
Screenwriter for Read My Lips

Jacques Audiard
Director for Read My Lips

Édouard Baer
Actor for Alias Betty

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Cesar Awards - French film industry awards
Actor for Amelie

Jacques Audiard
Screenwriter for Read My Lips

Jacques Audiard
Director for Read My Lips

Édouard Baer
Actor for Alias Betty

Marc-Antoine Beldent
for Read My Lips

Tonino Benacquista
Screenwriter for Read My Lips

Éric Berger
Actor for Tanguy

Aline Bonetto
for Amelie

Dominique Borg
for Brotherhood of the Wolf

Catherine Bouchard
for The Officer's Ward

Michel Bouquet
Actor for How I Killed my Father/My Father and I

Rachida Brakni
Actress for Chaos

Éric Caravaca
Actor for The Officer's Ward

Vincent Cassel
Actor for Read My Lips

Stefano Cassetti
Actor for Roberto Succo

Patrice Chéreau
Director for Intimacy

Marion Cotillard
Actress for Pretty Things

Bruno Coulais
for Winged Migration

Jamel Debbouze
Actor for Amelie

Hélène De Fougerolles
Actress for Who Knows

Bruno Delbonnel
for Amelie

Grégori Derangère
Actor for The Officer's Ward

Alexandre Desplat
for Read My Lips

Emmanuelle Devos
Actress for Read My Lips

François Dupeyron
Director for The Officer's Ward

François Dupeyron
Screenwriter for The Officer's Ward

André Dussollier
Actor for Tanguy

André Dussollier
Actor for The Officer's Ward

Jacques Dutronc
Actor for C'est la vie

Hélène Fillières
Actress for A Hell of a Day

Antoine Fontaine
for The Lady and the Duke

Guy-Claude François
for Brotherhood of the Wolf

Catherine Frot
Actress for Chaos

Annie Girardot
Actress for The Piano Teacher

Isabelle Huppert
Actress for The Piano Teacher

Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Screenwriter for Amelie

Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Actor for Amelie

Pierre-Jean Larroque
for The Lady and the Duke

Emmanuelle Lebail
for Amelie

Isild Le Besco
Actress for Roberto Succo

Joseph Lo Duca
for Brotherhood of the Wolf

Noémie Lvovsky
Actress for My Wife is an Actress

Jean-Paul Mugel
for Brotherhood of the Wolf

Tetsuo Nagata
for The Officer's Ward

Isabelle Nanty
Actress for Amelie

François Ozon
Actor for Under the Sand

Jean-Michel Portal
Actor for The Officer's Ward

Charlotte Rampling
Actress for Under the Sand

Line Renaud
Actress for Chaos

Jean-Paul Roussillon
Actor for The Girl from Paris

Hervé Schneid
for Amelie

Coline Serreau
Screenwriter for Chaos

Robinson Stévenin
Actor for Transfixed

Danis Tanovic
Screenwriter for No Man's Land

Audrey Tautou
Actress for Amelie

Yann Tiersen
for Amelie

Jean Umansky
for Amelie

Mathieu Vadepied
for Read My Lips

Juliette Welfling
for Read My Lips

Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte
for Winged Migration