UniFrance is the driving force behind this third meeting, to be held from October 22 through 25 this year, between French sales agents and Russian distributors.
Even though Russia is one of the biggest export markets for French films (60 new titles were released on Russian screens in 2017, attracting 6.5 million spectators), this market remains something of a mystery, and representatives from French sales companies rarely travel to Russia as film sales are undertaken at the major international film markets. It is with the idea of gaining a better understanding of the subtleties of this market and the various challenges faced by distributors, as well as to get to know movie Moscow movie theaters and their programmers, and to meet with VOD providers and independent exhibitors, that UniFrance decided in 2016 to accompany seven French sales companies to Moscow to meet with Russian distributors. The more than positive outcomes achieved by sales companies prompted UniFrance to repeat the event.
Taking full advantage of this French delegation's visit, the French Ambassador in Russia, Sylvie Bermann, will award the title of "Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres" to the Russian financier Alexander Mamut, who in 2017 bought and merged two of the country's major cinema networks (630 screens) and has entrusted the theater programming to a French national, Jean-Marc Quinton.
Activities :
Foreign distributor (feature film), Film exports/foreign sales, Executive Producer, Foreign production company, Associate producer, Co-production, French distribution
Activities :
Foreign distributor (feature film), Film exports/foreign sales, Executive Producer, Foreign production company, Co-production, French distribution