Bernard and Thierry, two ex-motor cycle champions, plan an hold-up and steal the gate-money from the Mans 24 - Hour race. Steve, the police officier in charge of the case is also an ex-motor cycle champ and a film addict. He will use his film knowledge to unravel their scheme and eventually identify the culprits. Torn between his job and his lost dreams, will Steve be able to track down Bernard, the sole survivor oof the hold-up ? And Bernard... will he be able to make a little girl's dreams come true ; the same little girl who involuntarily inspired the hold-up ?
Director (1)
Actors (9)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : M.W. Production
- Film exports/foreign sales : M.W. Production
- French distribution : M.W. Production
Full credits (11)
- Executive Producers : Pierre-William Glenn, Martine Benveniste
- Screenwriters : Edith Vergne, Pierre-William Glenn, Frédérick Leroy
- Director of Photography : Jean-Claude Vicquery
- Music Composer : Laurent Cugny
- Assistant directors : Olivier Péray, Christophe Vallée
- Editor : Anita Perez
- Sound Recordist : Jean-Marcel Milan
- Costume designer : Magali Guidasci
- Camera Operator : Jean-Marc Bringuier
- Production Designer : Jacques Voizot
- Location Manager : Rémi Bergman
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : 100% French (France)