In a near future...On an island isolated from the rest of the world, Gaëlle, a 30-year-old woman, looks after a small group of elderly people. The arrival of a sailing boat brings joy and life back to the island. But Gaëlle doubts the travellers’ intentions, as one by one the elders begin to die.
Director (1)
Actors (5)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producers : Les Films d'Antoine, Estrella Productions
- Film exports/foreign sales : Elle Driver
- French distribution : Wild Bunch Distribution
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Yes
- Nationality : 100% French (France)
- Production year : 2024
- French release : 19/03/2025
- Runtime : 1 h 35 min
- Current status : Upcoming release
- Visa number : 146.358
- Approval : Yes