In the Sundarbans, an area straddling India and Bangladesh, the fishermen entering the vast mangrove forest call upon the goddess Bonbibi to protect them. If they fear for their lives, it’s because here, in the jungle, the Bengal tiger reigns like a ghost.
Sonamani, Koushalya and Buli are among the many women whose husbands never came home. Known as "Tiger widows", they sometimes suffer the wrath of the superstitious inhabitants of their village.
Director (1)
Production and distribution (2)
- Executive Producer : Les Films en Vrac
- Film exports/foreign sales : Lukarn
Technical details
- Programme format : One-off
- Type : TV programme
- Themes : Economics, Environment, Nature, Society
- Production country : France
- Nationality : 100% French (France)
- Production year : 2023
- Runtime : 52 min
- Public visé : All