For Jocelyne and Serge Klur, things are in a perilous state: their factory which made Kenzo suits (Groupe LVMH), in Poix-du-Nord, near Valenciennes, has been relocated to Poland. The couple are now out of work, burdened with debts, and now risk losing their house.
This is when François Ruffin, founder of the Fakir newspaper, knocks on their door. He is confident:
he will save them. Supported by a Belgian tax inspector, a communist nun, the worker's union delegate, and former clerks from the Samaritaine department store (now closed), he will bring the Klur case to the attention of LVMH's Board of Directors, determined to move the heart and mind of its CEO, Bernard Arnault. But will these rebel Davids be able to win the battle against a billionaire Goliath?
Suspense, emotion, great laughter. Will our motley crew from Picardie manage to dupe the world's leading luxury goods group and the richest man in France?
Director (1)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Mille et Une Productions
- Film exports/foreign sales : The Party Film Sales
- French distribution : jour2fête
Full credits (3)
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Documentary
- Sub-genre : Documentary
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Yes