England, 1699. Thomas Smithers, a rich industrialist, urged on by his own personal vanity and his desire to dazzle his delightful wife, Julianna, decides to turn his unkempt garden into a genuine work of art worthy of his new social status. A young Dutchman, Meneer Chrome, a brilliant international landscape gardener, is given the task of creating the masterpiece. Chrome has been hire on the advice of James Fitzmaurice. This scheming character, jealous of Smithers's success, has plotted the industrialist's downfall in order to recover the love of his cousin, Julianna. Fitzmaurice's diabolical plans are jeopardized by unforeseen events: Julianna falls madly in love with Chrome, while Chrome discovers his passion for Théa, the strange young girl in the house... The storm aroused by their emotions unleashes a wind of devastation...
Director (1)
Actors (8)
Production and distribution (3)
- Co-productions : France 2 Cinéma, Berryer Films
- Foreign production companies : Nef Filmproduktion, Red Parrot
- French distribution : BAC Films
Full credits (9)
- Screenwriter : Tim Rose Price
- Director of Photography : Jean-François Robin
- Music Composer : Goran Bregovic
- Editor : Mick Audsley
- Sound Recordist : Simon Willis
- Costume designer : Consolata Boyle
- Press Attaché (film) : Dominique Segall
- Production Designer : Charles Garrad
- French Distributor : Jean Labadie
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Psychological drama
- Production language : English
- Coproducer countries : Germany, Great Britain, France
- Original French-language productions : No
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Selections (1)
"I wanted to make the most sensual and sexual film possible without ever showing a single character in the nude. Perhaps because this is a film about the way people look at others and in which everyone is a spectator... In one of my favourite paintings, Pierro della Francesca's "The Legend of the True Cross", one character looks at another who looks at a third one... I have nothing against sex on the screen but I find it increasingly difficult to watch actors squirming around on a bed. There's too much of it! On the other hand, the amorous, tactile and sensual approach delights me. I love the irony of the scene in which Théa moves around Chrome who is stripped to the waist. There you have the woman dressing the man! Usually, love scenes always end with the man undressing the lady! (Philippe Rousselot)"