Recap of January 2007.
Unifrance’s 9th Rendez-Vous with French Cinema
In Paris from January 12 through 15 this year, 83 French actors and directors took part in interviews with media representatives from 23 countries, to coincide with the upcoming release of their films. These artists were:
Sylvie Ayme, Pierre Arditi, Frédéric Auburtin, Sabine Azéma, Gela Babluani, Georges Babluani, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Lucas Belvaux, Edmond Bensimon, Faouzi Bensaïdi, Charles Berling, Bernard Blancan, Rachid Bouchareb, Jean-Claude Brisseau, Stéphane Brizé, Dany Boon, Guillaume Canet, Laurent Cantet, Isabelle Carré, Amira Casar, Alain Chabat, Kim Chapiron, Etienne Chatilliez, Eric Civanyan, François Cluzet, Hélène de Crécy, Emanuele Crialese, Marie-Josée Croze, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Lionel Delplanque, Julie Depardieu, Emilie Dequenne, Denis Dercourt, Valérie Donzelli, Bruno Dumont, Romain Duris, Gad Elmaleh, Michael Fassbender, Déborah François, Martial Fougeron, Romala Garai, Nicole Garcia, Julie Gavras, Xavier Giannoli, Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, Jean-Pascal Hattu, Christophe Honoré, Isabelle Huppert, Otar Iosseliani, Mylène Jampanoï, Agnès Jaoui, Gérard Jugnot, Alanté Kavaïté, Joaquim Lafosse, Eric Lartigau, Mélanie Laurent, Philippe Lioret, Benoit Magimel, Isabelle Mergault, Roxane Mesquida, Dominik Moll, Olivier Nakache, Pan Nalin, Guillaume Nicloux, Michel Ocelot, Bulle Ogier, François Ozon, Thierry Piantanida, Joana Preiss, Jérémie Rénier, Alain Resnais, Jean-Paul Rouve, Pierre Salvadori, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Frédéric Schoendoerffer, Abderrahmane Sissako, Audrey Tautou, Christopher Thompson, Danièle Thompson, Eric Toledano, Karin Viard, Lambert Wilson, and Roshdy Zem.
Also during this time, the event welcomed over 400 foreign distributors in Paris to acquire the most recent French films on offer from 40 film export companies present at the Film Market. The Market program included 78 screenings including 31 world premieres, presented in nearby movie theaters.
According to initial estimations, this 9th edition of the event confirms the increasing interest shown by industry professionals in this annual event, which resulted in numerous film acquisitions.
A new Film Fair in Paris
Unifrance participated in the 1st "Salon du Cinéma," holding a stand at the event from January 12 through 14 this year.
Marie Allan, Lise Bellynck, and Jean-Claude Brisseau represented Les Anges exterminateurs (Exterminating Angels), Rabah Ameur Zaimeche were in attendance for Bled Number One (Back Home), Faouzi Bensaidi and Nezha Rahil for WWW What a Wonderful World, Marina Deak for Les Profondeurs, Jean-Pascal Hattu for 7 Years, Nora Hoppe and Miki Manojlovic for La Fine del Mare, Otar Iosseliani for Gardens in Autumn, Benoît Jacquot and Isild Le Besco for The Untouchable, Zeka Laplaine for Kinshasa Palace, Charlotte Lowe and David Lowe pour Un Beau matin…, Maiwenn Le Besco for Pardonnez-moi, Kim Masse for Cowboy Angels, Ariane Michel for Les Hommes, Luc Moullet for Le Prestige de la mort, Bulle Ogier for Belle Toujours, Djamila Sahraoui for Barakat!, Claire Simon for On Fire, and Abderrahmane Sissako for Bamako.
Hinterland by Geoffrey Boulangé – Tiger Award for Best Short Film
Amin by David Dusa – Rotterdam UIP Short Film Award
Hinterland (The Legacy) by Gela and Temur Babluani – Special Jury Prize