Italy, 1997. When Clara and Irène, both 17, meet they are nothing like each other but get on marvellously well. They run away together to a faraway island off the coast of Sicily to live their summer freely, and to hide from a reality they want to forget.
Director (1)
Actors (5)
Production and distribution (2)
- Co-production : June Films
- Foreign production companies : Kino Produzioni, Rai Cinema
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Coproducer countries : Italy (79.91%), France (20.09%)
- Original French-language productions : No
- Nationality : Minority French (Italy, France)
- Production year : 2023
- French release :
- Current status :
- Visa number : 158.401
- Approval : Yes
Box-office & releases
Box Office
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