In the near future, a mysterious phenomenon strikes humanity and unexplained mutations gradually transform parts of the population into human-animal hybrids. The creatures, considered a threat by many, are sent to specialised centre in an attempt to stop their mutations from progressing and to control their apparent violent tendencies. When a convoy bringing hybrids to a new facility crash in a forest, paranoia spreads in the local community as the surviving creatures scatter into the wild. François and his 16-year-old son Emile embark on a desperate search for his missing wife Lena who disappeared after the crash.
As François clings to the family’s past, he progressively loses his grip on Emile, who has started to notice transformations in his own body, leaving his fate increasingly uncertain. But as he secretly bonds with creatures he met in the forest, Emile opens his eyes to their humanity, leaving him and his father forever changed as the authorities close in.
Director (1)
Actors (10)
Production and distribution (5)
- Executive Producer : Nord-Ouest Films
- Co-productions : STUDIOCANAL, France 2 Cinéma
- Foreign production company : Artémis Productions
- Film exports/foreign sales : STUDIOCANAL
- French distribution : STUDIOCANAL
Full credits (15)
- Executive Producer : Pierre Guyard
- Screenwriters : Thomas Cailley, Pauline Munier
- Director of Photography : David Cailley
- Music Composer : Andrea Laszlo De Simone
- Assistant director : Violette Echazarreta
- Editor : Lilian Corbeille
- Sound recordists : Fabrice Osinski, Raphaël Sohier, Niels Barletta, Matthieu Fichet
- Associate producers : Christophe Rossignon, Philip Boëffard
- Production Manager : Vincent Lefeuvre
- Press Attachés (film) : André-Paul Ricci, Tony Arnoux
- Production Designer : Julia Lemaire
- Casting : Stéphane Batut
- Special Effects : Jean-Christophe Spadaccini, Frédéric Laine, Pascal Molina
- Visual effects : Jean-Louis Autret, Cyrille Bonjean, Bruno Sommier
- Sound Mixer : Nicolas Becker
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Science fiction , Fantasy, Drama
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Yes
- Nationality : 100% French (France)
- Production year : 2023
- French release : 04/10/2023
- Runtime : 2 h 8 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 155.459
- Visa issue date : 26/09/2023
- Approval : Yes
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : 2.39
- Audio format : 5.1
- Rating restrictions : Suitable for all viewers, with warnings
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News & awards
News (20)
Selections (26)
Awards (4)
Sitges International Film Festival of Catalonia
Spain, 2023
Best Special, Visual or Makeup Effects in the SOFC : Jean-Louis Autret, Frédéric Laine, Pascal Molina, Bruno Sommier, Jean-Christophe Spadaccini
Delegations (2)
Revue de Presse(1)
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