Louison, a 38-year-old woman recently separated from her son’s father, discovers that she is on the autism spectrum when her son Guilhem is diagnosed with autism. While she suddenly understands why she has always felt different, her son only wishes to be like any of the other school kids. When a social investigation is opened to determine if she is able to keep custody of Guilhem, Louison decides to learn how to be “normal”. But neither she nor her family really knows what normal means.
Director (1)
Actors (7)
Production and distribution (4)
- Leading French distributor : OCS
- Executive Producer : PATAFILM
- Foreign production company : Velvet Films
- Film exports/foreign sales : France tv distribution
Full credits (6)
- Executive Producer : Antonin Ehrenberg
- Screenwriters : Judith Godinot, Hadrien Cousin
- Editors : Marylou Vergez, Guillaume Lauras
- Original idea : Sophie Talneau
- Sound Editor : Armin Reiland
- Compositor : Prudence (Groupe)
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Technical details
- Programme format : Series
- Nombre d'épisodes par saison / par collection : 10
- Number of seasons : 1
- Type : TV programme
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy