Unassuming, middle-aged Bernard Perle is a small-town baker, married to the shrewish Juliette and burdened with an odious, freeloading cousin by marriage. Called to Paris for an inheritance, he meets Maud on the Eiffel Tower —a “phony suicidal” who enchants him. He takes her to Deauville and ruins himself for her. The adventuress flees with the remainder of the inheritance money and Perle feigns amnesia to avoid explaining all this to Juliette.
Actors (28)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Les Films Roger Richebé
- Film exports/foreign sales : Les Films du Jeudi
- French distribution : Les Films Roger Richebé
Full credits (13)
- Executive Producer : Roger Richebé
- Adaptation : Roger Richebé
- Screenwriter : Loïc Le Gouriadec
- Dialogue Writer : Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon
- Directors of Photography : Jean Bachelet, Henri Verdun
- Editor : Yvonne Martin
- Sound Recordist : Louis Kieffer
- Camera Operator : Pierre Bachelet
- Production Manager : André Deroual
- Continuity supervisor : Marcelle Hochet
- Production Designers : Robert Dumesnil, Jacques Brizzio
- Still Photographer : Marcel Combes
- Location Manager : Jacques Pignier
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified