The Horrifically Real Virtuality sketches an introspective portrait of the burgeoning VR industry, and wishes to evoke, with tenderness and self-mockery, its relationship with the world of cinema. Ed Wood, a young Hollywood director of Z movies, offers Bela Lugosi, famous for endlessly playing a vampire, the lead role in his latest film. In it, Bela plays a character with an ability to access a parallel dimension, virtual reality, in which he encounters humanoids from another time: spectators.
Director (1)
Actors (2)
Production and distribution (1)
- Executive Producer : DVgroup
Full credits (5)
- Executive Producer : Antoine Cardon
- Screenwriter : Marie Jourdren
- Music Composer : Stéphane Le Gouvello
- Production managers : Nicolas Corman, Coline Delbaere, Joffrey Delmotte, Nicolas Deschamps
- Artistic Director : Pedro Alves
Technical details
- Type : Immersive works
- Genres : Fiction, Documentary
- Sub-genre : Virtual Reality, Documentation of live performance, Fantasy, Burlesque comedy
- Themes : Theater, Parody, Cinema
- Production language : English
- Production country : France