Chili 1974. Justa, Lucia and Luciana Quisper, three shepherdesses in the Altiplano, lead a quiet life according to nature's rhythms. When Pinochet comes into power, this ancestral way of life is challenged. The three sisters go through an existential crisis that will have a unique impact on Chili's contemporary history.
Director (1)
Actresses (3)
Production and distribution (3)
- Co-production : Dolce Vita Films
- Foreign production companies : Fabula, Cinema Uno
- French distribution : Nour Films
Full credits (8)
- Screenwriter : Sebastian Sepulveda
- Director of Photography : Inti Briones
- Assistant Director : Oscar Godoy
- Editor : Santiago Otheguy
- Costume designer : Muriel Parra
- Author of original work : Juan Radrigan
- Press Attaché (film) : Claire Viroulaud
- Production Designer : Christian Mayorga
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Production language : Spanish
- Coproducer countries : Chile, France, Argentina
- Original French-language productions : No
News & awards
Selections (5)
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