Against the troubled political backdrop of the late 60s, Anu, a shy youth from rural eastern Pakistan (now Bangaldesh), is sent by his orthodox muslim father to a Madrasah. Here, Anu struggles to adapt to the harshness of monastic life, far from the warmth of the Hindu festivities of his region. The gulf of misunderstanding which widens between his parents, who have stayed in the village, is a reflection of the growing tensions between moderate and extremist forces within the Madrasah and the political upheavals gripping the country and which finally lead to civil war...
Director (1)
Actors (4)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producer : mk2 films
- Foreign production company : Audiovision
- Film exports/foreign sales : mk2 films
- French distribution : mk2 films
Full credits (7)
- Screenwriters : Tareque Masud, Catherine Masud
- Director of Photography : Sudheer Palsane
- Music Composer : Moushumi Bhowmik
- Editor : Catherine Masud
- Sound Recordist : Indrajit Neogi
- Press Attaché (film) : Monica Donati
- Production Designers : Kazi Rakib, Sylvain Nahmias
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Production language : Bengali
- Coproducer countries : Bangladesh, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : Minority French (Bangladesh, France)
- Production year : 2002
- French release : 17/05/2002
- Runtime : 1 h 34 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 100.999
- Visa issue date : 28/03/2002
- Approval : Unknown
- Production formats : 35mm
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : 1.66
- Audio format : Mono
Box-office & releases
TV broadcasting
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