The teaching and events in the life of Christ are presented here from the viewpoint of the Palestinian thief who was crucified next to him. Among the miracles that Christ performs is curing the leprosy that afflicts poor Deborah (Edwige Fenech), a prostitute. Given the nature of the comedy, Deborah's attractive hide gets a lot more exposure than Christ's miracles, as the film vacillates between sexual innuendo and parody. Viewers unaccustomed to free-wheeling Italian spoofs may take offense at the way religious subjects are used for comic fodder.
Director (1)
Actors (9)
Production and distribution (2)
- Co-productions : Carthago Films, Antenne 2
- Foreign production companies : IIF - Italian International Film, Rai Cinema
Full credits (9)
- Executive Producer : Tarak Ben Ammar
- Screenwriters : Pasquale Festa Campanile, Ottavio Jemma, Renato Ghiotto, Santino Sparta, Stefano Ubezio
- Director of Photography : Giancarlo Ferrando
- Music Composer : Ennio Morricone
- Assistant directors : Nouri Bouzid, Youssef Lakhoua
- Editor : Alberto Gallitti
- Costume designer : Giorgio Armani
- Foreign producers : Mark Lombardo, Fulvio Lucisano, Pier-Ludovico Pavoni
- Production Designer : Enrico Fiorentini
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Historical, Comedy
- Production language : Italian
- Coproducer countries : Italy, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 1979
- French release : 24/02/1982
- Runtime : 1 h 50 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 52128
- Visa issue date : 18/11/1981
- Approval : Unknown
- Production formats : 35mm
Box-office & releases
TV broadcasting
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