This film tells the story of a journey through Africa by two crazy lovers who seem more like two lost children : Robert and Isabelle. At first, the tall, taciturn red-haired guy and the radiant young woman set off on the trail of Rimbaud. But they lose their way in botanical gardens. And, in the end, this tragic-comic love story begins to resemble Tristan and Isolde.
Director (1)
Actors (13)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : KG Productions
- Co-production : Arte France Cinéma
- French distribution : KG Productions
Full credits (14)
- Executive Producer : Michèle Ray Gavras
- Screenwriters : Jean Teulé, Laurent Bénégui
- Director of Photography : Éric Guichard
- Music Composer : François Hadji-Lazaro
- Assistant Director : Alexandre Gavras
- Editor : Nicole Berckmans
- Sound recordists : Daniel Ollivier, Nicolas Naegelen
- Costume designers : Elizabeth Teulé, Stéphane Rollot
- Author of original work : Jean Teulé
- Sound assistants : Jonathan Acbard, Denis Guilhem
- Camera operator : Claude Garnier
- Sound Editor : Stefan Richter
- Production Designer : Laurent Deroo
- Sound Mixer : Dominique Gaborieau
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Production language : French
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : 100% French
- Production year : 1996
- French release : 19/06/1996
- Runtime : 1 h 22 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 85.983
- Visa issue date : 13/03/1996
- Approval : Yes
- Production formats : 35mm
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : CinemaScope
News & awards
"During my childhood, Léo Ferré opened doors for me to unsuspected worlds. Now that I'm grown, I'd like to do the same thing for the next generation. I'd like to use this modern, exotic and comical film to help young men and women discover poetry. Without boredom or didactic lectures, simply via comedy and the pathetic. Such is my pretension ! It's the same task as a dealer who tries to get people hooked but it's much less harmful than the Medellin cartel !"
(Jean Teulé)