Event presentation
YOUNG FRENCH CINEMA is a program set up by UniFrance and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, as a way to bring French films with no US distribution to art house cinemas, film societies, the Alliance Française network and American universities. The program started in 2015 and its scope has recently been widened with partnerships with Telefilm Canada, l’ACID and FestivalScope. The program includes 12 features, among them one Canadian, and 8 shorts that are offered directly to exhibitors and universities for a flat booking fee of $300 for up to 2 screenings. UniFrance with its partner CineConductor handles the materials delivery.
The program is one of the most convenient entry points to the works of Contemporary French directors. with a strong focus on rising talents, from high-profile independent works to quirky comedies, powerful documentaries on the world we live in today, and exciting shorts. After two successful years with over 100 book...
Information on feature films
YOUNG FRENCH CINEMA is available to art house cinemas, film societies, the Alliance Française network and American universities.
Each film in the 2015 program is available for a $300 booking fee for up to two screenings per film. Please note that domestic shipping costs are not included: incoming shipping costs are to be paid by each organization.
There is no minimum or maximum number of films that you must choose. In the event that you are showing more than five films from the program as a festival or series, that festival/ series should be named YOUNG FRENCH CINEMA.
All inquiries must be sent at least three months before the screening date and addressed to yfc@unifrance.org. UniFrance Films will be the third party between you and the rights holder in France.
All films are available in DCP. Most films are also available in DVD or Blu-ray if necessary. Please check the formats available before booking a film.
All publicity materials must include the following credit line: “This Young French Cinema program was made possible with the support of UniFrance Films and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy.”
This grant allows you to bring a French director or actor to your institution for a master class. Venues that would like to organize a master class with the director/actor of one of the films shown can apply for a travel grant to fly the artists to the US.
Please send your request to Aude Hesbert (yfc@unifrance.org). Be as detailed as possible about your proposed master class, the venue, the number of students expected, the moderators of the discussion and explain why it’s important for the screening to have the artists attend.
UniFrance films will consider your application and if positive, facilitate the contact with the artists.
For all requests, please contact: yfc@unifrance.org
Festival years
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