The Ambassade de France in Korea, in partnership with TRA Media, TV5MONDE, and with the support of Séries Mania and Unifrance, is organising the 3rd edition of the FeDe — French Drama Festival, the first festival of French fiction series in South Korea.
The first two editions, organised in 2019 and 2021, enabled the Korean public to discover a selection of French series subtitled in Korean, free of charge and exclusively on a local VOD platform. Both editions were a resounding success, with nearly 175,000 views, demonstrating the appeal of French films to the Korean public.
The 3rd edition will kick off at the end of September 2023 and will run for one month. In an audiovisual landscape dominated by national productions and marked by a profusion of Japanese and American series, the festival will give visibility to the latest French fiction creations, unseen in Korea, on TVA+, SmileTV Plus, Wee TV, D'Live and CMB, attracting millions of viewers.
Are you a producer, distributor or sales agent of a French series that you would like to promote in Korea? Apply until 16 July 2023 via this link.
Eligibility criteria:
- French-language and French-majority produced fiction TV series;
- For which the rights are open in Korea;
- With a view to exporting to Korea and/or Asia.
Complete information can be found here.