On April 10, and in the presence of Isabelle Giordano, the AEFE will present its Best Film Critic award in the context of MyFrenchFilmFestival.com 2015, and will celebrate is 25th birthday.
On April 10, 2015, the AEFE (Agence Pour l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger) will present its Best Film Critic Award within the context of the Unifrance event, MyFrenchFilmFestival.com.
The AEFE has organized this Best Film Critic Competition, which is aimed at students enrolled in a French school abroad belonging to the agency's network, which represents 330,000 students in nearly 500 schools in a total of 135 countries.
Finally, 70 film critics from 8 countries were selected for the competition, and the winning author will receive professional accreditation to one of the film festivals organized by UniFrance.
Isabelle Giordano, CEO of UniFrance films, will attend the award presentation, which will take place during a gala that will also celebrate the agency's 25th anniversary.