Solange, the loud-mouthed Guinean, Fanny, the downtrod- den middle-class woman at the end of her tether, Michèle, the outdated queer activist... These women have nothing in common, and yet they are going to unite around a fight : a housekeepers’ strike that, while seemingly hopeless, is going to turn their lives, their principles and their vision of themselves upside down, shake them out of their solitude and finally make them visible...
Director (1)
Actors (7)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Cinétévé
- Co-productions : France Télévisions, Pictanovo
- Film exports/foreign sales : Film & Picture
Full credits (9)
- Creators : Hélène Le Gal, Laure Mentzel, Melusine Laura Raynaud
- Executive producers : Fabienne Servan-Schreiber, Charlotte Ortiz
- Screenwriters : Hélène Le Gal, Laure Mentzel, Agathe Robilliard, Sandrine Gregor, Marion Vernoux
- Director of Photography : Nicolas Desaintquentin
- Music Composer : Quentin Sirjacq
- Editors : Widy Marché, Virginie Seguin
- Sound recordists : Vincent Goujon, Jean-Christophe Lion
- Production Manager : Alexandre Caracostas
- Production Designer : Quentin Millot
Technical details
- Programme format : Series
- Nombre d'épisodes par saison / par collection : 4
- Number of seasons : 1
- Type : TV programme
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama