Seventeen-year-old Victoire is sent against her will to Toulouse Lautrec High School for students with disabilities. At first, she’s averse to this special institution. But as time goes by, she gradually overcomes her preconceptions, finding friendship, love and solidarity. She witnesses not only courage and strength among her peers, but also the devotion and altruism displayed by the students’ parents and the teachers.
Winner of Best Series at the Festival de la Rochelle 2022.
Production and distribution (1)
- Film exports/foreign sales : Federation Studios
Full credits (1)
- Screenwriter : Fanny Riedberger
Technical details
- Nombre d'épisodes par saison / par collection : 6
- Number of seasons : 1
- Type : TV programme
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Themes : Family, Youth