Sebastian is a young man immersed in a life of petty crime in Lima, Peru. With his gang of delinquents frequently breaking into industrial buildings to steal money, he relies on his imagination to escape the shackles of his narrow existence. The quiet one, he often gets teased by the group. One day he accidentally injures his friend Jaen in a fight and finds he no longer has a place to turn. Seeking tenderness in Jaen’s younger sister Emilia who sits by her brother’s hospital bedside, he dreams and plans for their escape but soon becomes unable to distinguish between reality and fiction and he must choose between his fantasy or the fate that has been written for him.
Director (1)
Actors (4)
Production and distribution (4)
- Co-production : Insolence Productions
- Foreign production companies : Flamingo Films, Animalita
- Film exports/foreign sales : Film Republic
- French distribution : Bobine Films
Full credits (6)
- Director of Photography : César Fé
- Music Composer : Nuria Saba
- Editor : Justin Beach
- Sound Recordist : Willy Illizarbe
- Foreign producer : Carolina Denegri
- Co-producer : Pascaline Saillant
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Production language : Spanish
- Coproducer countries : Peru, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 2015
- French release : 15/03/2017
- Runtime : 1 h 20 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 145.939
- Approval :
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : CinemaScope
- Audio format : Dolby 5.1