A children's tale aimed above all at adults, Dis Maîtresse recounts a lovely story: Once upon a time, in a kindergarten...
The first day of the school year, the classroom door closes. Parents have entrusted their children to other people for the first time. The camera is allowed to stay inside the classroom.
Like a little mouse, it accompanies the little children, their teacher, and the special kindergarten regional supervisor over a twelve-month period.
Director (1)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Comic Strip Production
- Co-production : Électron Libre Compagnie
- French distribution : Chapeau Melon Distribution
Full credits (7)
- Executive Producer : Thierry Aflalou
- Director of Photography : Jean-Paul Julliand
- Editor : Pascale Berson-Lecuyer
- Sound Recordist : Simon Gattegno
- Production manager : Adeline Letort
- Press Attaché (film) : Isabelle Buron
- Sound Mixer : Pierre Armand
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Documentary
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 2014
- French release : 25/11/2015
- Runtime : 1 h 16 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 143.393
- Approval :
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : 1.77
- Audio format : Dolby 5.1
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