How do you communicate with children who don't speak, or speak only a little, and who seem indifferent to any kind of human relationship? How can autistic children escape from their bubbles? How do the parents cope with their child's suffering and the many years of therapy he or she undergoes? In a day hospital of a child psychiatry sector, we openly filmed parents, along with children and their caregivers as they went about their therepeutic and educational activities.
Director (1)
Production and distribution (2)
- Executive Producer : Le Carnet Rouge
- French distribution : Le Carnet Rouge
Full credits (5)
- Screenwriter : Bernard Richard
- Music Composer : Philippe Murru
- Editor : Bernard Richard
- Sound recordists : Bernard Richard, Éric Rey
- Press Attaché (film) : François Vila
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Documentary
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 2014