An ordinary family living in a residential neighbourhood of Château-Gontier, a small town in Sud Mayenne, suddenly find themselves caught up in a reality TV show when a Parisian production arrives in town. The family is supposed to be a den of fundamental Catholics and the mother, who is a cousin of the show's producer, to whom she feels deeply indebted, agrees to play along, never for a moment thinking that chaos always engenders chaos. Hence, two of the local 'scum' allow themself to be persuaded by one of the members of the crew to leave their suburban hinterland for another, in search of the "Dealers' Eldorado." And so begins a picaresque odyssey, which will soon became a journey into (green) hell, given that it is so very true that one "should never pick a fight with the people of Mayenne! Whoever says 'cow' means 'cowboy'!".
Director (1)
Actors (4)
Production and distribution (2)
- Executive Producer : Le Couvoir
- French distribution : Le Couvoir
Full credits (7)
- Screenwriter : Dominique Rocher
- Director of photography : Marion Bardoul
- Music Composer : Stéphane Aubry
- Editor : Dominique Rocher
- Production Designer : Hubert Maignan
- Casting : Jacky Audouin
- Sound Mixer : Dominique Rocher
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 2013
- French release : 23/10/2013
- Runtime : 1 h 37 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 137.780
- Visa issue date : 27/09/2013
- Approval :
- Rating restrictions : None