The last 15 years of Ceausescu's regime were the worst years in the history of Rumania. Even so, official propoganda called this period "the golden age."
Tales From the Golden Age is the screen adaptation of the best known urban myths of the time. They are at once comical, strange, and moving, and find their inspiration in ordinary life that is often surreal, when humor was the only way of surviving for an entire people.
Tales From the Golden Age recreates the atmosphere of the time and sketches, with fine touches, the portrait of a country subjected to the perverse logic of a dictatorship. On the occasion of an official visit by Ceausescu, the mayors of country villages went so far as to hang fruit from trees to assure that their villages were given good marks, and they obeyed the strangest orders of the Party's fervent activists.
For its international image, Rumania claimed that illiteracy didn't exist within its borders. Reality was slightly different, however. A young Party member pro...
Directors (5)
Actors (7)
Production and distribution (3)
- Co-production : Why Not Productions
- Foreign production company : Mobra Films
- French distribution : Le Pacte
Full credits (8)
- Screenwriter : Cristian Mungiu
- Directors of Photography : Oleg Mutu, Alex Sterian, Liviu Marghidan
- Music Composers : Hanno Höffer, Laco Jimi
- Editors : Ioana Uricaru, Dana Bunescu, Theodora Penciu
- Sound recordists : Dana Bunescu, Cristinel Sirli
- Costume designer : Dana Istrate
- Press Attaché (film) : François Hassan Guerrar
- Sound mixers : Cristinel Sirli, Dana Bunescu
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Production language : Romanian
- Coproducer countries : France, Romania
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified