One fall morning, at the bend of a path, a little girl notices a fox. Fascinated to such a degree that she forgets any fear, she dares approach the animal. For an instant, the barriers separating child and animal disappear. It's the beginning of the most amazing and wonderful of friendships. Thanks to the fox, the little girl discovers the secrets and wilds of nature. Then begins an adventure that will her change her life and vision of things - and ours.
Director (1)
Actress (1)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producer : Bonne Pioche Cinéma
- Co-production : France 3 Cinéma
- Film exports/foreign sales : Goodfellas
- French distribution : Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International (ex-Buena Vista International France)
Full credits (15)
- Executive Producers : Christophe Lioud, Emmanuel Priou, Yves Darondeau
- Screenwriters : Luc Jacquet, Éric Rognard
- Directors of Photography : Gérard Simon, Éric Dumage, François Royet
- Music Composers : Evgueni Galperine, Alice Lewis, David Reyes
- Editor : Sabine Emiliani
- Sound recordists : Laurent Quaglio, Germain Boulay
- Costume designer : Pascale Arrou
- Author of original work : Luc Jacquet
- Executive Producer : Laurence Picollec
- Voice : Isabelle Carré
- Production Designer : Marc Thiébault
- Casting : Maguy Aimé
- French Distributor : Jean-François Camilleri
- Sound Mixer : Gérard Lamps
- Still Photographer : Éric Caro
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Adventure
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Yes
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