Dakar, Senegal. L'Appel des arènes by Cheikh Ndiaye tells the tale of two young men from Dakar with different social backgrounds. Nalla comes from a wealthy family that lacks nothing, as opposed to Sory, an unemployed epileptic and inveterate gambler who lives off petty crime and betting. Their only thing in common? Wrestling, Senegal's national sport. When Nalla is assaulted in the street one day, André, "mystical assistant" to a great champion, comes to his rescue. This is the beginning of a friendship that leads Nalla to take an increasingly important place in the preparation of the great annual match between the champions Tonnerre and Malaw. The film is a journey into the heart of the world of wrestling and the values that this sport promotes. We follow two itineraries, the first allows us to experience wrestlers' daily lives, the second brings out into the open the effervescence that reigns in the rings and brings every passion to a head.
Director (1)
Actors (8)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Sirabadral
- Foreign production companies : Direction de la Cinématographie Nationale (DCN), Art Medias Productions
- French distribution : Cinéma Public Films
Full credits (9)
- Screenwriter : Clarence Delgado
- Directors of Photography : Jérôme Mauduit, Nasr Djepa, Alexandre Tyl
- Assistant directors : Clarence Delgado, Philippe Lebre, Alioune Konare
- Editors : Sylvie Adnin, Franck Cotelle, Didier Cattin
- Sound recordists : Guillaume Valeix, Alioune Mbow
- Costume designer : Mame Fagueye Bâ
- Author of original work : Aminata Fall
- Continuity supervisors : Anne Desanlis, Isabelle Le Grix
- Production Designer : Moustapha Picasso N'Diaye
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Production language : French, Wolof
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified