I got out of hospital two days ago. I've been told that there were no real reasons why I acted the way I did. I'm trying to find my bearings.
Actors (4)
Production and distribution (2)
- Executive Producer : aaa production - Animation Art graphique Audiovisuel
- French distribution : aaa production - Animation Art graphique Audiovisuel
Full credits (8)
- Executive Producer : Matthieu Lamotte
- Screenwriters : Bernadette Massin, Érick Malabry
- Director of Photography : Sébastien Veyrin-Forrer
- Music Composers : Matthieu Langlet, Charles Michaux
- Editor : Jean-Denis Buré
- Sound recordists : Julien Despres, Nicolas Bouvet-Levrard, Mélissa Petitjean
- Costume designer : Sandrine Béranger
- Production Designer : Edwige Van Houtte
Technical details
- Type : Short film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Themes : Adolescence, Family
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : 100% French (France)
- Production year : 2004
- Runtime : 17 min
- Visa number : 104.319
- Visa issue date : 24/05/2004
- Production formats : Super 16
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : 1.66
- Audio format : Dolby SR
- Rating restrictions : None
Movies and programs to discover
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A Town Called Panic: The Christmas Log (2013), by Vincent Patar & Stéphane Aubier
The year’s end celebrations are coming. Christmas : the tree, the dinner, the presents. Indian and Cowboy are expecting their presents eagerly. Overexcited by the organisation of the celebration, they fight and destroy the Yule log on which Horse was putting the last touch. Horse is livid and cancels the gifts from Santa Claus. How will they win back the favours of Horse and The Old Bearded Man? How will they retrieve their gifts ? For Indian and Cowboy begins a long, very long Christmas Eve.
🎄🎁 This new episode of cult animated series ‘A Town Called Panic’ was selected for festivals around the world, and notable gathered the Audience First Prize at the Bologna
Future Film Festival in Bologna.
It was nominated for the 2015 César for Best Animated Short Film.