In the middle of 19th century Norway, Dina, a little 8-year-old girl, accidentally causes her mother’s death. Traumatized and rejected by her father, she becomes a wild creature who constantly runs away and refuses to play by the rules. Her guardian is the only person who manages to get through to Dina by sharing her intense passion for the cello with the girl. Dina eventually becomes more sociable. She grows into a strong-willed, unpredictable and determined woman. A passionate lover, she steps outside the conventions of her arranged marriage and throws herself into stormy love affairs and exacts her revenge on life.
Director (1)
Actors (7)
Production and distribution (3)
- Co-production : Mandarin & Compagnie (ex-Mandarin Production)
- Foreign production companies : Northern Lights Film Production, Per holst film, Nordisk Film A/S
- French distribution : SND
Full credits (8)
- Screenwriters : Ole Bornedal, Jonas Cornell
- Director of Photography : Dan Laustsen
- Music Composer : Marco Beltrami
- Editors : Thomas Krag, Molly Malene Stensgaard
- Costume designer : Dominique Borg
- Production Manager : Kare Storemyr
- Press Attachés (film) : Alexandra Schamis, Isabelle Duvoisin
- Production Designers : Steffen Aarfing, Marie I Dali
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Coproducer countries : France, Denmark, Norway
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : Minority French (France, Denmark, Norway)
- Production year : 2002