Tandcredi Falconeri marries Angelica Sedara, thus maintaining a connection between a dying aristocracy and the rising bourgeoisie. In the 1860s, a dying aristocracy struggles to maintain itself against a harsh Sicilian landscape. The film traces with a slow and deliberate rhythm the waning of the noble home of Fabrizio Corbero, Prince of Salina (the Leopard) and the corresponding rise to eminence of the enormously wealthy ex-peasant Don Calogero Sedara. The prince himself refuses to take active steps to halt the decline of his personal fortunes or to help build a new Sicily but his nephew Tancredi, Prince of Falconeri swims with the tide and assures his own position by marrying Don Calogero's beautiful daughter Angelica. The climatic scene is the sumptuous forty-minute ball, where Tancredi introduces Angelica to society.
Director (1)
Actors (22)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producers : Société Générale de Cinématographie (SGC), Pathé Production
- Foreign production company : Titanus Produzione
- Film exports/foreign sales : Pathé Films
- French distribution : Compagnie Française de Distribution Cinématographique (CFDC)
Full credits (9)
- Screenwriters : Suso Cecchi D'Amico, Pasquale Festa Campanile, Enrico Medioli, Massimo Franciosa, Luchino Visconti
- Director of Photography : Giuseppe Rotunno
- Music Composer : Nino Rota
- Editor : Mario Serandrei
- Costume designer : Piero Tosi
- Foreign producers : Goffredo Lombardo, Pietro Notarianni
- Producers : Adrien Remaugé, Pierre Cabaud
- Continuity supervisor : Stéphane Iscovescu
- Production Designer : Mario Garbuglia
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Production language : French, Italian, English
- Coproducer countries : Italy (80.0%), France (20.0%)
- Original French-language productions : No
Box-office & releases
News & awards
Selections (4)
Academy Awards
United States, 1964
Oscar Nomination in the Best Costumes in a Color Film category : Piero Tosi