Eugene, an idealistic young African farmer and musician, decides to leave his village and family momentarily to try out his luck in the city. He makes new friends there, who accompany him on his musical career. He also meets up with Kassi, a childhood friend who has become a prostitute, with whom a new, closer friendship begins. However, when she dies from AIDS, Eugene is confronted by the harsh reality that his spontaneity and innocence blocked out and decides to put his singing talents and fame as a singer to the service of fighting the disease of AIDS. Once back home in his village, the reunion with his wife and children make him realize that life and hope are more powerful than anything else.
Director (1)
Actors (3)
Production and distribution (1)
- Executive Producer : Noé Productions Int.
Full credits (6)
- Executive Producers : Cedomir Kolar, Frédérique Dumas, Marc Baschet
- Screenwriters : Idrissa Ouédraogo, Santiago Amigorena
- Music Composer : Ismaël Lo
- Editor : Monica Coleman
- Sound Recordist : Philippe Sénéchal
- Production Manager : Patrick Meunier
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Production country : France (100.0%)
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 1995
- French release :
Box-office & releases
Box Office
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